Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Blessings of the Nagas


My friend Susan introduced the Naga Practice to me in the year 2000. I remember one of the experiences that happened at the source waters of the Sacramento River in Mt. Shasta. We performed the practice of using mudra, mantra and offering but we also included offering the Naga Beings to the Buddhas and the Bodisattvas.

This is an important part of working with the Naga energies or any beings of nature because the Enlightened Ones have the compassion and the power to remove the suffering of the sentient beings. The invisible spirits of nature absorb not only the negativity of human thoughts and emotions but also the toxins of our enviroment. One needs the proctection of the Enlightened Ones as we do this work and it is an important part to remember when doing offerings of any kind.

This particular day of offering milk and honey into the river I had a vision of Kuan Yin with her vase as she was pouring the water of compassion onto all those who come into her Presence. But there was another feature of this vision, which was different from the way she is usually portrayed. Salmon were swimming upstream, returning into Kuan Yins vase as she was pouring the healing waters.

This vision had a deeper meaning. We are all being asked at this time on Earth to return to our own Source; this was symbolic for returning to the source of the river of life. The salmon make their way back to their breeding grounds, going against the very currents of the river. This image perfectly represents the reality of the soul that is being asked to go against the many, outer currents of this world to return to our Inner Source, where the stillness of the inner heart of compassion can be cultivated. These worldly currents are the currents of glamour and illusion.

When we practice this outer offering that we have commited to do each New Moon, we do this for more than ourselves. The outer offering is our prayer, our mudra and mantra. But our inner offering is the commitment of cleansing the emotional waters of our own life, our negative patterns that create toxic emotions that we need to purifie to live healthy and happy lives and as we do this it effects the world around us --- first like a ripple, then like a wave. It has taken years of offerings to the Nagas to give me this deeper understanding. I have traveled the World and offered in many places, both in the Far East and the Sacred Places of Europe. I realize this work is not for everyone: it is an ancient tradition almost forgotton. But I thank each one of you for holding this practice every new moon and for your commitment to do this work. May your efforts be blessed and may our waters be purifed.

Thank you

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